GnG is Retiring?! Pt.1

Hello, hello.

Long time no see! We know, shame on us.

I just wanted to reach out to all of our followers to let everyone know that Geeky ‘n Girly will be retiring here within the next few months. Kelly and I have decided after much thought that we’d like to branch out on our own! So technically, we’re not really leaving the blogosphere! (Don’t be sad! Or mad!)

I have only just recently set up a new blog for myself and I would abso-freaking-lutely love it if everyone who enjoyed Geeky ‘n Girly would continue to follow me on my new blog! It’s called One-Sixth Geek, and is currently hosted via, but will be moving to my own domain sometime this year.

So please, clicky click and subscribe because I would hate to lose touch with some of the nicest coolest people I’ve met in the blogging world!

Much love and see everyone on One-Sixth Geek!


– Britney

For the Love of Language



My recent research in college education has led me, as it has many times, to my one of my biggest passions: Language. Throughout my K-12 years I bounced around with what I wanted to study due to the fact that I have many interests. East Asian studies, art, veterinary medicine, animal behaviorism, graphic design, and English have made up the main bunch.

Even so, I always seem to make a loop and end up at the same conclusion. I love language; particularly English.

Language is what sets us apart. It is a fundamental aspect of our lives. We speak, write, and read language. It is what allows us to express ourselves in the most profound ways. It is interesting how many people might say, “Well, yeah,” as if that’s just a fact of life and there is nothing fascinating or extraordinary about language. Yet when you give it thought, imagine what language means to us.

One facet of language presents to us an escape from our lives by letting us delving into created worlds. That is reading.

My relationship with reading began well enough. I was fascinated by stories, but as a child it was visually appealing. Who didn’t love those picture storybooks?

Late elementary into middle school introduced an entirely new type of reading. No more pictures? I have to use my imagination? As a kid that grew up on Disney movies and vibrant picture storybooks, this was not how I wanted it to go. So, I decided that reading and I didn’t suit each other. Silly me.

It wasn’t until late middle school when I was roaming idly around the library that the spine of a book caught my eye. It depicted a horse, and I’ve always loved horses. As I looked at it, I read the title, “Wild Magic”. Horses, wild, and magic? What was this enticing sorcery? I checked out the book that day and was hooked.

Tamora Pierce’s Wild Magic kindled my love for reading. This was the kind of reading that provided that wonderful escape from reality; the type that grips your mind and heart.

Mark Edmundson (The Ideal English Major) described it so well:

“There are people who read to anesthetize themselves—they read to induce a vivid, continuous, and risk-free daydream. They read for the same reason that people grab a glass of chardonnay—to put a light buzz on. The English major reads because, as rich as the one life he has may be, one life is not enough. He reads not to see the world through the eyes of other people but effectively to become other people.”

“Real reading is reincarnation. There is no other way to put it. It is being born again into a higher form of consciousness than we ourselves possess.”

It was through these kinds of experiences that I developed a love for language and so a love for writing. After all, the three facets of language are all interlinked.

It’s why I am writing to all of you right now, and why I plan to pursue a degree in English.

I completely geek out over language!

It’s a dream of mine to have a career where I can indulge in my passion for language (reading, writing, speaking), and to reach others through my work. I’d like to publish at least one book if not more, and I will forever to encourage others to love language.

Here are some of my favorite books/series that I recommend:

The Sevenwaters TrilogyJuliet Marillier

Heart’s BloodJuliet Marillier

The Maze Runner trilogyJames Dashner

The Immortals quartetTamora Pierce

Dragonriders of PernAnne McCaffrey




Alice and Cheshire Cat Makeup


These are photos straight from my instagram it isn’t a tutorial I just wanted to share with you guys 🙂 I saw a youtube video for makeup like this by Lucyxx84 and I think her makeup is so beautiful and it inspired me to create this look. I have been wanting to do more cosplay/costume makeup for a while now and decided to practice with this today.


I didn’t do the same colors as the Tim Burton Cheshire cat I wanted to stick with the colors of the animated Alice and I am very pleased with how it turned out. I have many different brands and types of makeup on but the main product I use when doing costume makeup is my NYX jumbo pencil in milk. I have very sensitive skin so I don’t want to use face paint so I love that the NYX pencil is so creamy so I can use it on my entire face as I’ve done in the past with my sugar skull makeup or as a base for my eye makeup. It’s also good to put on your lips on top of your lipstick to add dimension and just blend it out. For all of the lines I make I use a thin tipped liquid liner pen and go back over with pencil and black shadow. For my hair I just pin curled it and let it set while I did my makeup.


Please let me know your thoughts on this look and if you would like to see more cosplay/costume makeup looks with in depth tutorials and if you would what are some characters you would like to see. I am always open to suggestions. 🙂



Current K-Drama: Trot Lovers


This is the first post I’ve done on a Kdrama before and I think that is absolutely crazy because these shows are my primary form of entertainment. Sometime last year I did a post on kpop well I also love to watch dramas and Trot Lovers is the one I am currently watching. This is just a quick post with my thoughts on the show.

First this is my favorite type of drama. It has the dramatics of course but it is hilarious and also has romance. The cast I love them all and I am so surprisingly happy with Shin Sung-roc as Jo Geun-woo. The only other thing I had seen him in was My Love from Another Star and I hated him because you know he was the bad guy and did terrible things but in Trot Lovers he is one of the funniest actors in a drama I’ve seen in a while. Just his personality, how blunt he is and I think mainly how different in a good way he is from My Love from Another Star. I haven’t decided who I ship yet it is going to be a very tough choice between the two male leads. I will probably end up torn like with Boys Over Flowers.

I like that it has music. I loved Dream High 1 and 2. Monstar was also a great drama that centered around music. Since I love kpop so much when I know it is musically based I’m going to want to watch and this doesn’t disappoint whatsoever. The voices are very good.

From the loan sharks and how funny they are to the way Jang Joon-hyun is with Choi Choon-hee’s younger sister it makes me laugh and touches my heart. If you’ve never watched a Kdrama or are searching for a new one I highly recommend this one. It’s feel good and has such a happy vibe. If you’re also watching let me know your thoughts on the show and the cast!



June’s Lootcrate: Transform!


June 2014 marks my first LOOTCRATE! Cheers!

What can I say? I came across Lootcrate by chance and instantaneously had to have it! I even went as far as to go to my Ipsy and cancel my spot on the waitlist. (For those girls who don’t know: – Go now!)

So I don’t have any special unveiling for everyone like what I’m seeing around the interwebs. I think there are plenty of videos to watch if you’d like to watch people open their special little boxes. However, I did take a few pictures of what the Lootcrate contains.


June’s Transform Lootcrate:

  • Marty Mcprime Transformer T-shirt
  • Transformers figurine collectable – Hasbro & The Loyal Subjects
  • Transformers sticker – Hasbro & The Loyal Subjects
  • Hex Bug: Transformer Edition
  • MLG (Major League Gaming) wrist warmer
  • MLG Team Sticker Set – TeamENVY, TeamCURSE, TeamOPTIC
  • MLG Starter Kit – 1 month free GameBattles Premium Access
  • Lootcrate June Button
  • Lootcrate June Booklet
  • 3 Warheads


I was pretty stoked when I opened my Transformers figurine box. I got friggin’ Bumblebee!

.. And also, a Decepticons sticker. Sort of clashes.

All in all, I was pretty happy with all the items that I received in the June Lootcrate.

I just had one complaint. The t-shirt that I ordered was a shapeless square t-shirt. Now, I chose my size under the “Women’s” category so I was kind of expecting a more fitted flattering shirt for a woman’s body. The shirt was not that. It was a box. It made me a box.

I digress. Let me just say that Lootcrate is awesome and if you haven’t had the chance to subscribe, stop making excuses. Go. Go now and subscribe. I have a feeling that each Lootcrate will remind you how good of an investment that this monthly subscription is. I mean, who doesn’t love a goody box filled with geeky merchandise?

Oh, and for everyone’s entertainment.. Let me introduce you to my cat, Iris, and her first experience with a Hex Bug.


Have a great Saturday!

– Britney





Protect Yourself: Online Security & Privacy


Geeky ‘n Girly was recently contacted by Lisa Margetis from SingleHop, a company specializing in cloud computing. She asked us to join a blog initiative to educate people on the importance of online safety, passwords and privacy. Well, of course we said yes and decided that each of us would write a piece detailing tips for staying safe and secure while using the web.


In the world of social media, people seem to be all too trusting about things they post online. Status updates of where we are, pictures to go along with it and trusting friends with passwords has seemed to become an “okay thing”. With everyone having so much access to unlimited information on the Internet, it’s important that we remember to stay safe, with out revealing too much info about ourselves. For example, let’s say you’re making a password to your online banking and you use your birthday as your password because it’s easy to remember, and your online PIN as your birthyear. Example: April26! (Password) PIN: 1988

Anyone who knows you and your birthday can probably figure that out! It’s important to make complicated passwords and also equally as important to not give them away. If you must let someone have a password to something important, make sure that it is a person that you REALLY trust, and that they have the password for the possibility of a emergency event happening. I use passwords that are completely random and have nothing to do with me personally. For example: 1218BmF1984! is a complex password that it completely random. Per , it would take 344 THOUSAND YEARS for a desktop PC to crack! Try this website to test your passwords. It’s easy to use and will open your eyes about how safe your password is. Remember, when making passwords, don’t use things that are familiar with you! Be random, remember how complex your password is and don’t give it away!

Many privacy focused users and companies who make sure their passwords are rock solid were still exposed to hacking because the Heartbleed vulnerability existed on one of the servers where their passwords were stored. I.E.: SingleHop servers were tested and found that because of the Open SSL version they were running, they thankfully weren’t affected. After Heartbleed they really tightened down their security to ensure that something like that wouldn’t be a problem for them in the future. That’s why they believe their secure dedicated servers are a great avenue for people looking to execute cloud based strategies. Data security is a two way street, users need to keep passwords secure, but companies that store those passwords have a responsibility to do the same!





Children are always taught the importance of stranger danger and the precautions they should take. Never take candy or items from a person you do not know and certainly never accept a ride from one. When I was younger that basically all you needed to worry about. As I’ve gotten older and technology has advanced, face to face contact is not the only means of meeting a stranger.

I am not a mother myself, however, after seeing my nieces and nephews on social media sites it opened my eyes to just how easy it is for a stranger to collect their information. IE: a simple status update, “Going to cheer practice.” Followed with “Going to the park.” These things seem harmless and simple, but if your profile is public anyone can see where you are and can pick up on a pattern. They’ll know where you you’ll be and when you’ll be there.

Another way is through hashtags. I don’t mean things like #selfie or #mancrushmonday. I’m talking about things that should obviously not be put like the tag #homealone has over one million photographs on Instagram. There are millions of Instagram users that can now look under that tag and see that you are home by yourself.

This is not just for children, but for adults as well. Things like status updates and hashtags don’t appear as though it could be potentially dangerous but it is better to not take that risk. Before posting think to yourself, “Is this information I should be sharing with the rest of the world?” Remember that you can never be too safe when it comes to social media.




In general, we tend to be very trusting when it comes to loved ones. We tell them how our days went, how we feel about one another, and even our deepest darkest secrets. However, there are some things we shouldn’t share with loved ones especially when it comes to online security. Some of our most precious information is stored online, including credit card information, bank accounts, and ID numbers.

It should be said that we all must consider who it is that we can or should trust our passwords with. It might seem insulting to others involved, but it is simply for our security. Trust your amazon password with your best friend so she can buy that pretty lipstick online and then you might find yourself dealing with a new host of problems beyond your friendship. She may take it upon herself to buy that tank top she’s been wanting and then a cute pair of shoes to match!

That coworker just wishes he could have Netflix to watch that show you keep talking about. So you think that giving him your password and username to log on to watch is a nice thing to do. Why not? Then you will have someone to talk to about each new episode that comes on! — Again, why not? Well, your subscription for Netflix has to be paid somehow. I’m sure that it can viewed when you log on to your account. And guess what? That coworker of yours now has the ability to log on and see your billing information. Physical address, credit card number, e-mail address, ect.

You might find that these people who you thought trustworthy really aren’t that trustworthy at all.

So we should always take a step back to really look at our own online safety and then at what may happen should we trust someone with our passwords. Chances are that the people who we can trust with our online security are the same people who won’t ask us to begin with and/or won’t get upset if we decided not to share.








Fitness Gear for Geeks

I just came back from a work out, and find myself thinking about that geeky tank top that I posted on my Geek Fitness blog. Remember that one? Jigglypuff?

Well, I discovered a website that has an enormous stock of geeky wear, some for fitness and some for everyday wear. They’re not all for women either, plenty of masculine geek wear!

I can’t tell you how many of these tank tops that I want, but I will tell you that I plan to buy at least 5 or so within the next month.


2329blk-w484h484z1-30227-im-leveling-up2329atg-w484h484z1-41767-i-work-out-so-i-can-take-revenge-on-house-lannister  2329lem-w484h484z1-38303-training-to-be-a-legend2329atg-w484h484z1-50136-sailor-scout-in-training-jupiter  2329ind-w484h484z1-31283-workin-off-my-lumps 2329lem-w484h484z1-25596-crash-aku-aku-mask2329blk-w484h484z1-27436-train-for-the-hunger-games   2329tricrn-w484h484z1-31026-train-like-youre-in-dumbledores-army 2408whiblk-w484h484z1-29283-workout-then-passout-snorlax2408blk-w484h484z1-22722-workin-my-puff-into-tuff2329whi-w484h484z1-29463-beast-mode 2329lem-w484h484z1-30460-today-is-leg-day-squat2408atg-w484h484z1-24899-you-worked-out 2408atg-w484h484z1-29108-metapod-got-a-hard-body 2408blk-w484h484z1-16775-beast-mode-x-men  2408neopnk-w484h484z1-29753-train-like-youve-just-been-asked-to-join-the-avengers


All these tanks and SO MUCH MORE are from:

Also check out:

Both sites have a massive selection of geeky wear, and I can already hear my wallet sobbing.

Which one do y’all like? — Feel free to link your favorite in the comments if it’s not one the tanks above! 😀

– Britney


A Geek on Mars

When you live in an area devoid of everything you like and are interested in it makes you feel like a martian. Or at least I do anyway. I live in a very small town in the south where you have to drive at least an hour in any direction to get to a bigger city to do any sort of shopping or have any form of entertainment. I am no where near a city that has comic con or any sort of convention for that matter so I feel like I’m alone in my fandoms, I don’t have people to share these things with. Except for all of you of course and that’s what brought me to think about this topic. If you live in a rural area how do you stay connected to all of your favorite geeky things? For me the main things being anime and manga. It all comes from one source and that is my internet connection. Where oh where would I be without it. I need it to read manga I also need it for my streaming apps netflix and hulu to watch all of my favorite shows. Without it I would not be able to connect with any of you either. I find myself doing the same things over and over. Watch the show. Get to the checkpoint. It all becomes a bit repetitive. What are we to do without these things though? That’s where my hobbies come in. As geeks we think differently and are so very creative and in the midst of technology I think a lot of that gets lost. I wanted to share my hobbies with you guys because at times I wasn’t sure what to do with myself and it’s nice to have an outlet to channel my creativity with my own geeky spin on things.


Drawing is my primary hobby. I love it because I can draw all of my favorite characters from the shows I watch. After drawing I always have such a profound respect for the artists that create and give life to these characters I’ve grown to care for so much. The subtleties that you may not have noticed before like the intricacies of their clothing. I don’t get to go to cosplay events or anime conventions but I feel connected  when I draw and it opens me up to a community online of others that also draw and love these characters just as much as I do. I don’t get to connect in person but in this way I’m still able to.  (These are both my drawings ^-^ I’m quite proud of them)


My favorite colored pencils are prismacolor they blend out so well and glide effortlessly while giving you brilliant color. For markers I use both copic and prismacolor. I don’t have a preference with markers both brands work very well. For inking my drawings I do prefer pigma sensei because of the very fine tips you are able to get and it makes doing things like hair and detail work much easier than using a bolder marker with a light hand.


My other hobby is crochet. I stumbled upon amigurumi dolls a few years back and thought they were the cutest things I had ever seen. I made this little guy for my dad for fathers day 2 years ago. I have also made a Sakura doll from Naruto and I am currently working on making Shikamaru. I like this hobby a lot because any character or geeky item that I like if I have yarn I can make it. I don’t have to travel anywhere or go out of my way to buy plushies I can just make them. I didn’t have anyone teach me I decided I wanted to learn how so I looked up videos on youtube and it taught me everything I know. Youtube is a very useful tool. I also watch drawing tutorials in hopes of bettering myself. Mark Crilley has excellent videos if you want to improve upon your anime drawings.

I don’t have a preference when it comes to crochet hooks mine are all boye brand but I think any would work just fine. My favorite yarn is called I Love This Yarn. Nice marketing lol but really it is very good quality yarn and is always very soft. The times I’ve made beanies with it they’re never itchy. For making amigurumi I do prefer a stiffer yarn and for that I like Red Heart. I like this very much because you can get it in bulk for quite cheap. Below is Ollie the octopus I made him well on a whim and I think he turned out adorable.


These are the things I do when I’m not watching anime, reading manga, reading books, or playing video games. I believe we all have the ability to make wonderful things as long as we keep at it and practice. I have people all the time tell me that they suck at drawing. I wasn’t very good when I first started in fact I was awful but if you put in the effort it will show. With crochet I don’t look at it as a skill. People will tell me I’m talented but I think anyone can do it as long as you can follow instructions. Everyone can be great at what they want to be just put in the effort and all of your hard work will pay off.

If you also live in small town like me just know things like these hobbies help to feel connected. You are not alone. You are not weird because you’re the only one that likes the things you like. You are not the only one. There are millions of people just like you. You just have to find your own way to connect and that is one of our biggest goals here at geeky ‘n girly is connecting and bringing together those just like us. Thank you all for all of your continued support 🙂 If you also have a hobby that expresses your inner geek don’t hesitate to share them.


– Kelly




Geek meets Geek. But.. how?




This is definitely the most common way. It’s the safest easiest way for us geeks to connect with others geeks. Literally. Most of us are techies by nature and are often online quite a bit. This applies not only to the internet in general, but also online gaming.


– Meets geeks from all over the world

– No judgement over appearances


– Interaction is limited to online

My Suggestions

Keep up with the good work? 🙂 This is the best way to meet other geeks, in my opinion, so no advice needed.



I only recently went to my first geeky convention. (I know. Shame on me.) That was QuakeCon. I couldn’t have felt more at home surrounded by people that I know wouldn’t judge me, but actually be interested in me. It’s too much fun enjoying everything that a convention has to offer with people just like yourself. You gt to share your excitement with them and vice versa.


– Meets geeks of the same type as yourself. (I.E.: Otaku, Gamer, Comic Reader)

– Meet local & traveling geeks


– Conventions are often crowded, busy, and loud

My Suggestions

Get involved in the activities that interest you at the conventions. More often than not, they’re pretty fun and you get to meet other geeks during.



Specialty stores are a really good way to run into geeks with the same interests. Table top game stores, video game stores, card stores, anime stores, ect. You won’t always run into friendly folks at the stores, but occasionally you’ll run into some rarities that don’t mind talking.


– Meet local geeks


– Some geeks shop and leave in a hurry

My Suggestions

Stop in at favorite stores more often if possible. You might run into familiar faces. Another way it to follow what I suggested at conventions. Sometimes the local stores will have events and activities that you can join in on.


My Personal Experiences

I find that I have a hard time meeting other geeks locally. I think the first reason is the culture of the city that I live in. It’s a south Texas city that is old fashion and culturally driven. There isn’t much going on in regards to the geeky world. There are barely a handful of specialty geeky stores and the conventions are even rarer. People also tend to keep to themselves and I think that makes for a lot of private geeks.

To make matters worse, I’m of the female variety. When I step foot in my local stores, I’m just oogled and not really spoken to except by the guys working there. As for geeky girls in this city, they are like an endangered species. Some rare mythical unicorn type that I can’t seem to locate. Those few that do exist are often incognito and you won’t know they’re geeky unless you can talk to them for a while.

This brings me to my own personal strategy. *Ahem* Wearing my geeky merchandise out and about.

Nothing speaks from geek to geek quite like geeky clothing and accessories. It’s the perfect bait! I’ve noticed that geeks can’t help but compliment or comment on that Bleach shirt or on this Mario mushroom key-chain. People you’d never expect will stop to comment and your mind will officially be blown. Mine has several times over.

So when all else fails, wear your geeky stuff proudly and see who speaks up!

